BrewUp documents list - ADVOCATE - page 2/3


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The Brewers of Europe Commitment report - 2009
  • advocate
  • 25/12/2016
  • 2868
  • Commitment

The Brewers of Europe Commitment report - 2009

This is the first interim report on the implementation of The Brewers of Europe’s commitments to the European Alcohol and Health Forum. It covers the first two commitment waves, made in December 2007 and July 2008, and offers the reader an overview of the background, baseline, progress and next steps in relation to the 25 commitments so far filed.

WBA 2007 Report
  • advocate
  • 25/12/2016
  • 2616
  • Commitment

WBA 2007 Report

This report collects the social responsibility activities of the brewing sector throughout the world. It was published in 2007.

Developing best practice in drinking & driving campaigns
  • advocate
  • 25/12/2016
  • 2445
  • Commitment

Developing best practice in drinking & driving campaigns

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to prevent drink-driving. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to prevent drink-driving.

Independent review of issues related to alcohol consumption in Europe
  • advocate
  • 01/06/2016
  • 2871
  • State of play

Independent review of issues related to alcohol consumption in Europe

This report aims at providing a better understanding of areas for which there appeared to be conflicting views or ambiguity in the scientific literature in 2006 (European Cultural Differences and Alcohol Consumption; Total Consumption of Alcohol and Drinking Patterns: Implications for Harm; Risks and Benefits of Alcohol Consumption: The Role of Moderate Drinking; Adverse Social Consequences of Alcohol Consumption; and Influences on Adolescence Drinking.)

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Contribution made by Beer to the EU economy 2016
  • advocate
  • 02/01/2016
  • 4677
  • Contribution to the economy

Contribution made by Beer to the EU economy 2016

This is the 2016 edition of The Brewers of Europe “The Contribution made by Beer to the European Economy” that shows the importance of beer to the European economy, elaborating on its importance for the agricultural and supply sector, for the hospitality sector and to government revenues. It provides data with regards to the direct and indirect employment generated by the brewing sector.

Other editions are available for download

Alcohol advertising bans do not reduce related harm
  • advocate
  • 02/05/2015
  • 3466
  • Responsible advertising

Alcohol advertising bans do not reduce related harm

This Factsheet provides for background elements, drawing from peer-reviewed articles and grey literature, on the lack of impact of advertising bans to reduce alcohol-related harm.

Beer advertising self-regulation
  • advocate
  • 21/12/2014
  • 3401
  • Responsible advertising

Beer advertising self-regulation

This Factsheet provides for background elements, drawing from peer-reviewed articles and grey literature, on beer advertising self-regulation.

Available now on Brewup for €49.99
Ingredient and nutrition information
  • advocate
  • 22/12/2013
  • 3197
  • Informing consumers

Ingredient and nutrition information

This Factsheet provides for background elements with regards to ingredient and nutrition information on alcoholic beverages

Off-label information
  • advocate
  • 22/12/2013
  • 3319
  • Informing consumers

Off-label information

This Factsheet provides for background elements with regards to the use of labels and online platform to convey food information to consumers, including ingredient and nutrition information

The European reference Analytical Methods for breweries by EBC
Drinking and Pregnancy
  • advocate
  • 25/12/2011
  • 2516
  • Commitment

Drinking and Pregnancy

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to inform consumers about drinking and pregnancy. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to inform consumers about drinking and pregnancy.

Underage drinking
  • advocate
  • 25/12/2011
  • 2640
  • Commitment

Underage drinking

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to prevent underage drinking. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to prevent underage

Combatting binge drinking
  • advocate
  • 25/12/2011
  • 2917
  • Commitment

Combatting binge drinking

This Toolkit has been designed to help trade associations at national level, brewers and any stakeholders wishing to team-up to prevent binge drinking. It provides for structural and practical advice and best-practices and builds upon concrete examples of actions that have been run or are still run on the ground to prevent drink driving.

Available now on Brewup for €49.99
Sponsorship Report 2011
  • advocate
  • 02/05/2011
  • 3342
  • Contribution to the economy

Sponsorship Report 2011

This report measures the extent to which brewers of all sizes, across Europe, contribute to supporting the local communities through the sponsorship of different projects in different fields such as sports, culture, art…

Self-regulation report - 2010
  • advocate
  • 01/10/2010
  • 3227
  • Responsible advertising

Self-regulation report - 2010

This is the report on The Brewers of Europe’s commitment on self-regulation of commercial communications for beer, as submitted to the European Alcohol and Health Forum in 2007.

Carbon Footprint and Labelling
  • advocate
  • 20/12/2009
  • 2892
  • Caring for the planet

Carbon Footprint and Labelling

This document presents The Brewers of Europe’s position on “Carbon Footprint and Labelling”