- 16/01/2025
- general
Don’t Miss Out: Submit Your Abstract Now for the EBC Symposium 2025
The EBC Symposium 2025 invites you to submit your abstract for this year’s theme, focusing on innovations in sustainable beer packaging and dispense technology.
The EBC Symposium 2025 invites you to submit your abstract for this year’s theme, focusing on innovations in sustainable beer packaging and dispense technology.
As of today (20 September), Mrs Zorica Borković and Mrs Núria Feliu Besora will be co-chairing the EBC Sub-Committee Microbiology, replacing Mrs Gudrun Vogeser who had been chairing it for the last 15 years.
The registration for the Brewers Forum 2023 opens today! Join us in Prague, Czech Republic, from the 21st to the 24th of May for four days of conferences, trade show, social events technical visits and amazing networking!
Brewing scientists, researchers and technical brewers are welcome to submit abstracts pertaining to the topic of the event “Fermentations as an opportunity for sustainably brewed and high-quality products”.
The Brewers of Europe is delighted to announce the launch of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) database, which will serve as a hub for showcasing best practices from European brewers and value chain partners.
BrewUp, Europe’s brewers’ knowledge portal, is now on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn! Follow us on our social media account to keep updated on every new BrewUp publication and update!
Today, the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are pleased to release two International Methods developed over the past three years by experts on both side of the Atlantic Ocean. The Methods are available on BrewUp (www.brewup.eu) for the EBC and on the ASBC website (www.asbcnet.org).
Today, the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are publishing two international methods on Free Amino Nitrogen and β-glucans measurement in wort by automated discrete analysis. The Methods are available on BrewUp (www.brewup.eu) for the EBC and on the ASBC website (www.asbcnet.org).
The European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are releasing an updated International Method on bitterness units of beer following a successful International Collaborative Trial.
The European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are releasing a new International Method on determination of bitter compounds in dry-hopped beers following a successful International Collaborative Trial.
The European Brewery Convention has updated two of its methods: method 4.14 “Modification and Homogeneity of Malt: Calcofluor Method” and method 6.5 “Extract Content of Maize: Enzymatic Method”. They are now available on BrewUp (www.brewup.eu)
The European Brewery Convention has issued a Statement, accompanied by a Technical Opinion, on Beer shelf-life and best-before dates for beer in general, and keg beer in particular.
Brussels, 5 December 2019 – There are now more than 10,000 breweries in the European Union according to the latest figures revealed today by The Brewers of Europe, whilst both the production and consumption of beer have gradually grown year on year for the last five years.
The Method 7.4 “Lead Conductance Value of Hops, Powers and Pellets” now contains two updated chapters (“Procedure” and “Precision”).
Beer Serves Europe launches latest sector report from The Brewers of Europe
BRUSSELS 4 December 2018. Europe’s beer production rose to an eight-year high in 2017 bolstered by record exports, a rise in micro-breweries and increased low-alcohol products.
After a successful debut event last June, the Brewers of Europe Forum aims to go even further for its second edition. 2018 proved to be yet another fruitful year for the European beer sector. The new generation continues to impress with its creative ideas while the largest breweries aim to invest and promote the qualities of good European beer. Such undeniable expansion could only warrant another event dedicated to bringing countless professionals into the spotlight.
Programme of the EBC Hop Symposium on “Recent advances in hop science” unveiled!
The Brewers of Europe Forum 2018 presentations are now available on BrewUp!
The first edition of the new EBC Newsletter (June 2018 issue) has been published and is now available on the EBC website!