Updated Analytica-EBC Method 7.4 “Lead Conductance Value of Hops, Powers and Pellets”
- 23/01/2019
- general
The Method 7.4 “Lead Conductance Value of Hops, Powers and Pellets” now contains two updated chapters (“Procedure” and “Precision”).
The European Brewery Convention is pleased to announce you the publication of the updated Method 7.4 “Lead Conductance Value of Hops, Powers and Pellets” which is now available here on BrewUp.
The updates cover the “Procedure” and “Precision” chapters. In the “Procedure” chapter, the extraction parameters are more specified and the method of conductometric titration has been harmonized with Method 7.5 “Bitter Substances in Hops and Hop Products: Lead Conductance Value and Total Resin, Soft Resin and Hard Resin”. The “Precision” chapter now reflects the recent results of a collaborative trial on both hops and pellets carried out in 2018 covering a broader range from low to high alpha varieties as typically used today.
The European Brewery Convention thanks Martin Biendl, chairman of the Sub-Committee Hops, and the experts involved in this update, as well as Trevor Cowley, our Technical Editor.
For more information on the Analytica-EBC, please check our BrewUp page.