Two new International Methods on Live Yeast Detection and Dekkera (formerly Brettanomyces) Detection published!
- 01/07/2021
- general
Today, the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are pleased to release two International Methods developed over the past three years by experts on both side of the Atlantic Ocean. The Methods are available on BrewUp (www.brewup.eu) for the EBC and on the ASBC website (www.asbcnet.org).
EBC Method 3.5.3 Live Yeast Detection with FastOrangeÒYeast Medium (IM) from 2021 allows the detection of yeast cells of all species including brewing yeast strains which are alive and have the capability to proliferate.
EBC Method Dekkera (formerly Brettanomyces) Detection with FastOrangeÒ Brett Medium (IM) from 2021 allows for the detection of super-attenuating Dekkera yeasts – formerly Brettanomyces – in brewery samples or within other yeasts on FastOrangeÒ BRETT agar medium.
Both methods have been tested through an International Collaborative Trials involving participants from the ASBC network in the United States and from the EBC network in Europe.
The two Methods available for sale on BrewUp and can be found respectively here (EBC Method 3.5.3 Live Yeast Detection with FastOrangeÒ Yeast Medium (IM) – 2021) and here (EBC Method Dekkera (formerly Brettanomyces) Detection with FastOrangeÒ Brett Medium (IM) – 2021).
The European Brewery Convention and the American Society of Brewing Chemists would like to thank all the experts and laboratories involved in this international collaborative trial as well as members and experts of the EBC Analysis Group, EBC Sub-Committee Microbiology and ASBC Technical Committee who participated in the International Collaborative Trial.