New International Method on bitter compounds in dry-hopped beers
- 18/11/2020
- general
The European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are releasing a new International Method on determination of bitter compounds in dry-hopped beers following a successful International Collaborative Trial.
The European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are pleased to announce the results of an International Collaborative Trial organized in 2018 and 2019 involving 17 laboratories throughout the world have led to the creation of a new method on determination of bitter compounds in dry-hopped beers (Method 9.50 of the EBC and Method Beer-23-G of the ASBC).
New Method EBC 9.50 and ASBC Beer-23-G on the determination of bitter compounds in dry-hopped beers
In addition to iso-alpha-acids, humulinones are known to contribute to bitterness in dry-hopped beer. The same is true for non-isomerized alpha-acids but to a minor degree. This HPLC-UV method is recommended for the analysis of dry-hopped beers containing humulinones (and α-acids) in addition to iso-α-acids. It is similar to method EBC 9.47.
The Methods are available for sale on BrewUp (for the EBC Method 9.50) and on the ASBC website (https://www.asbcnet.org/).
The European Brewery Convention and the American Society of Brewing Chemists would like to thank all the experts and laboratories involved in this international collaborative trial as well as members and experts of the EBC Analysis Group, EBC Sub-Committee Hops and ASBC Technical Committee and members of the Brewery Convention of Japan (BCOJ) who participated in the International Collaborative Trial.