News | BrewUp news : BrewUp is now on social media!


DISCOVER ANALYTICA EBC! The European reference Analytical Methods for breweries by EBC
BrewUp is now on social media!

BrewUp is now on social media!

  • 13/09/2021
  • general

BrewUp, Europe’s brewers’ knowledge portal, is now on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn! Follow us on our social media account to keep updated on every new BrewUp publication and update!

BrewUp, Europe’s brewers’ knowledge portal, is now on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn! Follow us on our social media account to keep updated on every new BrewUp publication and update!


BrewUp is increasing its visibility by joining the most widely used social networks across the globe. Our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts will be the best way to be kept updated on any new publication or updates relevant for the brewing industry and the beer supply chain.


BrewUp is Europe’s brewers’ knowledge portal, where plenty of documents, guidance, reports, infographics, lists of laboratories and training centres can be found. It covers all the areas relevant for the brewing business, from brewing elements, to marketing and advocacy to promote and defend beer. It also offers the Analytica EBC Methods, the EBC Publications (“Manuals of Good Practice: Beer Filtration and Stabilisation” and the “Beer Brewing Guide: EBC Quality Handbook for Small Breweries”) as well as the biannual journal of The Brewers of Europe, BrewUp Magazine.


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In Focus

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  • Diversity and inclusion at the heart of society and of the brewing sector
