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DISCOVER ANALYTICA EBC! The European reference Analytical Methods for breweries by EBC
Alcohol Policy in Sweden - 2009
  • advocate
  • 27/10/2017
  • 2884
  • Policies

Alcohol Policy in Sweden - 2009

In this report, commissioned by The Brewers of Europe, the Swedish Retail Institute, HUI, has analysed the success and failures of Swedish alcohol policy. The Swedish Retail Institute, HUI, was founded in 1968 and is owned by The Swedish Trade Federation. HUI conducts its research activity together with several external researchers and in cooperation with a number of Swedish universities. HUI is well-known in the Swedish society for its seriousity, integrity and independence

IPSOS Study 2009 on price and consumers' behaviour
  • advocate
  • 27/10/2017
  • 2646
  • Policies

IPSOS Study 2009 on price and consumers' behaviour

This survey assesses the effect of price increases of alcoholic beverages on consumers’ purchasing and drinking patterns and European citizens’ perceptions of the most effective measures to help reduce alcohol-related harm.