- 19/10/2018
- 8020
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- Apparatus
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- AM
- 1997
1.1 - Care and Adjustment of Apparatus: Bühler Miag Disc Mill, DLFU
Bühler Miag disc mill, DLFU, setting the mill for fine grinding, coarse grinding, notes on mill settings, cleaning the mill.
Bühler Miag disc mill, DLFU, setting the mill for fine grinding, coarse grinding, notes on mill settings, cleaning the mill.
Numerous spectrophotometric measurements are employed in brewing. To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to take certain precautions. The method can be applied to the care of optical glass and silica cells, checking the wavelength and precision of the spectrophotometer.
The instrument manufacturer’s instructions must be read carefully and any safety procedures given must be adhered to strictly.
The determination of pH at 20 °C of aqueous solutions using a pH meter and a suitable electrode system. Descriptors: variation of slope factor with temperature
The measurement of the density and the defined density derived values of a liquid at 20 °C by digital density meters of the oscillation type.
This document deals with methods of sampling water for chemical analysis, but not for bacteriological tests. Descriptors: by-pass period sample collecor, immersion sample collector, siphon period sample collector, immersion flushing sample collector, immersion controlled sample collector, suitable materials for containers, comparative properties of plastics.
Conductometric method for the determination of chloride in beer by precipitation as silver chloride.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 9.21.
Gravimetric determination of sulphate with barium chloride.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 9.22
Procedures to be employed for obtaining representative samples of barley for analytical purposes. Descriptors: cylindrical sampler, divided sampling spear, dynamic sack sampling spear, cargo sampler, pelican sampler, ellis cup sampler, typical automatic sampler for conveyor belt and conveyor belt discharge, diverter type sampler, hand-scoop, quartering irons, conical divider, sample divider, schedule for sampling cereals
The determination of the moisture content of barley by loss of mass on drying under conditions specified in the ISO Method for moisture content of grain (ISO 712-1985).
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.1 and 3.1
The determination of the total nitrogen content of barley by a Kjeldahl procedure.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1 and 3.2
The determination of the total nitrogen content of barley by a combustion method based on the Dumas-principle.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 1.1, 3.1 and 3.2
The determination of average com weight as a measure for malting quality.
The determination of the percentage of living corns and pregerminated corns in a sample of barley using a rapid staining technique.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1
The determination of the percentage of living corns in a sample of barley using a hydrogen peroxide assisted growth test.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1
The measurement of the percentage of grains which can be expected to germinate fully if the sample is malted normally at the time of the test.
The determination of the percentage of grains which can be expected to germinate fully if the sample is malted normally at the time of the test.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1
The determination of the percentage of grains which can be expected to germinate fully if the sample is malted normally at the time of the test.
The estimation of germination percentage and germination rate of grains which can be expected to germinate fully if the sample is malted normally at the time of the test.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.6.2 and 3.1
Estimation of the percentage of pre-germinated grains in harvested barley.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1
Estimation of the percentage of pre-germinated grains at the time of harvest.
The object of this test is mainly to obtain an appropriate percentage of the kernel weight that does not contribute to extractable matter.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.2
Determination of the total mixed linkage (1,3)(1,4)-ß-D-glucan (ß-glucan) content of barley.
Determination of the total mixed linkage (1,3)(1,4)-β-D-glucan (β-glucan) content of barley. Descriptors: principles of the analytical system used for flow injection measurement of β-glucan
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 3.1 and 3.2
The determination of kernel size and evenness.
The determination of the percentage of damaged barley kernels, which may deteriorate malt quality.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.11.1
The determination of the barley variety(ies) in a barley sample by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
The determination of moisture and protein content in barley by near infrared spectroscopy.
It is necessary to use EBC Methods 3.2 and 3.3.1
This document deals with methods for sampling malts.
It is necessary to use EBC Method 3.1