Analytica EBC | Malt | 4.6.1 - Hot Water Extract of Malt: Constant Temperature Mash


Analytica EBC - Hot Water Extract of Malt: Constant Temperature Mash

4.6.1 - Hot Water Extract of Malt: Constant Temperature Mash

  • 22/10/2018
  • 5282
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  • Malt
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  • 1997

The determination of Hot Water Extract of ale, lager and distilling malts using a constant temperature infusion mashing procedure of a coarsely ground sample (0,7 mm). The wort produced by this mashing procedure is used for ancillary analyses, such as the determination of saccharification rate, colour, viscosity of wort, soluble nitrogen content, free amino nitrogen content, fermentability, and pH. Fine/coarse difference may be derived by simultaneously determining the Hot Water Extract of a more finely ground grist (0,2 mm) from a second test portion of the malt sample.

It is necessary to use EBC Methods 1.1 and 4.1

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