Analytica EBC | Hops and Hop Products | 7.9 - Iso-α-Acids and reduced iso-α-Acids in Hop Products by HPLC


Analytica EBC - Iso-α-Acids and reduced iso-α-Acids in Hop Products by HPLC

7.9 - Iso-α-Acids and reduced iso-α-Acids in Hop Products by HPLC

  • 23/10/2018
  • 4674
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  • Hops and Hop Products
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  • 2004

This method specifies an isocratic high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of all types of iso-α-acids and reduced iso-α-acids (but not mixtures of different types) in hop products. Descriptors: concentration of a particular type of iso-α-acids, response factor for a particular type of iso-α-acids.

It is necessary to use EBC Methods 7.1, 7.7, 7.6 and 7.8.