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The European reference Analytical Methods for breweries by EBC
Advertising regulation in EU countries
  • market
  • 15/12/2021
  • 37629
  • Regulation

Advertising regulation in EU countries

This document provides for an overview of the advertising regulation applying to beer, wine and spirits in the 28 European Union Countries as well as Turkey, Norway and Switzerland. It covers TV, radio, outdoor, online, cinema and stadium advertising.

Manual of self-regulation
  • market
  • 20/12/2015
  • 4313
  • Self-regulation

Manual of self-regulation

This Manual aims at helping European brewers and trade associations to interpret the Guidelines for Beer Commercial Communication issued by The Brewers of Europe

The Brewers of Europe advertising guidelines - 2003
  • market
  • 01/12/2003
  • 2988
  • Self-regulation

The Brewers of Europe advertising guidelines - 2003

These guidelines, endorsed by the European brewing industry, are intended to serve as common standards throughout Europe. They are not meant to replace existing national self-regulatory systems or to be limited to brewers, but rather to be incorporated into national systems where these already exist, or to fill in gaps where necessary. Where no national self-regulatory system exists, and where a wider self-regulatory system for the whole alcoholic drinks industry is not practicable, these guidelines provide an element of consistency to enable the brewing industry to regulate itself.