- brew
- 08/04/2024
- 16896
- Beer analysis
List of laboratories
List of 80 laboratories throughout the 28 European Union Countries as well as Turkey, Norway and Switzerland that perform beer-related analysis that are either necessary or useful for the production of your beers. Laboratories not listed may contact BrewUp (info@brewup.eu).
Interactive map.
- brew
- 04/05/2020
- 2587
- Brewing
Beer shelf-life and best-before dates for beer in general, and keg beer in particular
This Statement and Document (for members only) provides for the EBC Technical Opinion on Beer shelf-life and best-before dates for beer in general, and keg beer in particular.
- brew
- 13/09/2017
- 4252
- The art of brewing
EBC Reference Malt - Elaboration, homogenization, sampling and packaging for the determination of its analytical characteristics
This document sets the procedures to determine the manipulations employed for the selection of a batch of the BEC Reference Malt, its homogenization, sieving, sampling and packaging in order to obtain representative samples of malt for analytical purposes. These procedures were developed by the IFBM, the EBC exclusive supplier for the EBC Standard Malt, responsible for the barley selection, malting, blending and homogenization of batches as well as the packaging and shipping to customers.
- brew
- 25/12/2011
- 2702
- Brewing
The Brewers of Europe Vision on Environmental Sustainability until 2020
EBC Manual of Best Practice
In Focus
- Diversity and inclusion at the heart of society and of the brewing sector