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The European reference Analytical Methods for breweries by EBC
Beer Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) - Presentation Leaflet
  • brew
  • 23/04/2021
  • 6029
  • Brewery management

Beer Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) - Presentation Leaflet

The Beer Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) tool is intended to help member companies (of The Brewers of Europe) to measure and improve the green credentials of their breweries, firstly by identifying the hotspots within each brewery and its value chain, then allowing a brewer equally to check scenarios – e.g. change of recipe – to assess whether a given change in approach would enhance green operations. Furthermore, once a critical mass of entries by a number of brewers is available, a brewery will be able not only to confidentially benchmark against the virtual representative product from the beer PEFCR, but equally against the results (aggregated) from colleague brewers.

This Leaflet presents the Beer PEFCR online tool in a nutshell.

The tool is accessible to all members of The Brewers of Europe’s national associations. Companies should contact their national association to be granted access to start using the tool.

The Environmental Performance of the European Brewing Sector
  • brew
  • 25/12/2011
  • 3910
  • Brewery management

The Environmental Performance of the European Brewing Sector

This report presents the changes and trends in the environmental performance in the key areas over the years 2008 to 2010. This quantitative data is supported and illustrated by a selection of prominent case studies.

Operational water source vulnerability report
  • brew
  • 20/12/2009
  • 3309
  • Brewery management

Operational water source vulnerability report

This study addresses the diversity in approaches to sustainable water management by providing further clarity to the Brewers Environmental Resources Management 2 Project 0157302 - The Brewers of Europe of Europe on the most applicable and relevant water stress identification and assessment tools and methodologies for the brewery sector. The purpose is to equip Brewers with the knowledge and understanding of the tools currently available to assess effective and potential water risks now and in the futures and that meet the needs of individual companies. The tools and methodologies reviewed focus on evaluating risks of production facilities (and not the supply chain e.g. agriculture).