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EBC Reference Malt - Elaboration, homogenization, sampling and packaging for the determination of its analytical characteristics

This document sets the procedures to determine the manipulations employed for the selection of a batch of the BEC Reference Malt, its homogenization, sieving, sampling and packaging in order to obtain representative samples of malt for analytical purposes. These procedures were developed by the IFBM, the EBC exclusive supplier for the EBC Standard Malt, responsible for the barley selection, malting, blending and homogenization of batches as well as the packaging and shipping to customers.

  • 13/09/2017
  • brew

Scottish Minimum Unit Pricing - Calculating the price of a beer

This Toolkit, that embeds a calculator, will help you to understand the Minimum Unit Pricing Regulation that is applied as of 01 May 2018 in Scotland and to calculate the price of your beer using the embedded calculator.

  • 26/04/2018
  • market
  • Minimum,Unit,Pricing

National beer definition

This document provides for an overview of the different national beer definition that applies in the different 28 European Union Countries as well as Turkey, Norway and Switzerland, when such definition exists.

  • 25/12/2016
  • brew

List of laboratories

List of  80 laboratories throughout the 28 European Union Countries as well as Turkey, Norway and Switzerland that perform beer-related analysis that are either necessary or useful for the production of your beers. Laboratories not listed may contact BrewUp (

Interactive map.

  • 08/04/2024
  • brew

Opinion piece: Meeting consumer demands is a must, not just a nice-to-have

When almost nine out of ten European consumers call for the list of ingredients and nutritional values of alcoholic drinks to be provided, as revealed by the 2016 GfK survey of 9000 adults in nine EU countries, there is an onus on all concerned economic operators to take such clear expectations seriously and to meet them diligently.

  • 26/11/2017
  • news

Taxing the brewing sector : a European analysis

This report analyses the impact of changes in excise taxes across the European Union (EU). The analysis considers the impact on consumption, Government revenues, profitability in the brewing sector and direct and indirect employment. It also studies the comparable costs in the route to market for the different categories of alcoholic beverages across the European Union. The focus of that part of the report has been on the main drinks categories, being beer, wine and spirits.

  • 30/10/2017
  • advocate

Hospitality report

This report provides for an assessment of the economic contribution of the hospitality sector across 31 European countries.

  • 30/10/2017
  • advocate

HSBC Infographics

This Infographics highlight the decreasing trends in underage drinking over the last 12 years in European countries. They are based on the publicly available data from the Health Behaviours in School-aged Children, a project supported by WHO Europe that collects a set of comparable data throughout European countries.

  • 27/10/2017
  • advocate

Beer Connects Europe with the World

This study researches and analyses the trend and significance of global trade and investment patterns by the EU brewing sector since the 1990s, when the formation of EU contributed significantly to liberalisation in the global trade system. It identifies and establishes important contributing factors to the past and emerging trends such as trade liberalisation agreements, urbanisation, logistics and communications, supply chains efficiencies, consumption patterns and so on. It provides strategic insights on the future of the EU brewing sector in identifying trade strategies to maintain global competitiveness and to open new markets.

  • 31/12/2016
  • advocate

Beer Pledge Report 2017

This report constitutes the third review of the implementation of the Beer Pledge and looks back over the whole 2012-2015 period of the Pledge. It represents a snapshot of initiatives carried out by brewers, through associations, companies and broad coalitions, in line with and contributing to, the implementation of the three pillars of the European Beer Pledge – (i) consumer information, (ii) responsible advertising, and (iii) programs to tackle alcohol misuse.

  • 25/12/2016
  • advocate

National White/Wheat beer defintion

This document provides for an overview of the different terms and official definitions, when such official definition exists, that are used or should be applied with regards to white/wheat beer in the 28 European Union Countries as well as Turkey, Norway and Switzerland.

  • 25/12/2016
  • brew

National Radler definition

This document provides for an overview of the different terms and official definitions, when such official definition exists, that are used or should be applied with regards to Radler in the 28 European Union Countries as well as Turkey, Norway and Switzerland

  • 25/12/2016
  • brew