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Beer Statistics 2019

This document presents the 2019 Beer Statistics edition of The Brewers of Europe. It contains data over beer production, beer consumption, the on-trade/off-trade repartition, import and export, number of breweries, direct employment and excise duty revenues.

Statistics from previous years are available for download

  • 17/02/2020
  • market

Beer Statistics 2019

The Beer Statistics provide the statistics of the European brewing sector on production volume, consumption volume, export, import, jobs, tax revenues...for 2018.

  • 05/12/2019
  • advocate

Number of breweries in the EU hits 10,000

Brussels, 5 December 2019 – There are now more than 10,000 breweries in the European Union according to the latest figures revealed today by The Brewers of Europe, whilst both the production and consumption of beer have gradually grown year on year for the last five years.

  • 05/12/2019
  • news

Dutch Craft Beer conference

The Dutch Craft Brewers Conference, 21 January 2020, The Hague, the Netherlands

  • 12/11/2019
  • agenda
  • 21/01/2020 - 21/01/2020

Memorandum of Understanding on listing ingredients and nutrition information for alcoholic beverages

This document is the Memorandum of Understanding on listing ingredients and nutrition information for alcoholic beverages as released on 05 September 2019 and signed by brewing companies of different sizes and national trade associations. Any company producing alcoholic beverages, or trade association thereof, can sign up to this Memorandum of Understanding. More information is provided on 

  • 28/10/2019
  • advocate

Memorandum of Understanding - brewers ambitions

This document presents the brewers' ambition with regards to the implementation by the brewing sector of the Memorandum of Understanding on listing ingredients and nutrition information for alcoohlic beverages as available here. More information on the Memorandum of Understanding and on the brewers' ambitions can be found on

  • 28/10/2019
  • advocate

Organic beer - Brief Tables

Demand for organic beer is on the rise in the European Union. The EU regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products ensures that the same quality standards are respected all over the European Union. The legal provisions cover farming practices, food processing and labelling. The attached brief tables several attention points for brewers who consider organic beer production.

  • 28/10/2019
  • brew