BrewUp EBC Congress 2019


Welcome !

On this webpage, you can download the presentations delivered by speakers during the EBC Congress as well as the posters which were exhibited. Please note that some presentations and some posters are not available for download due to restrictions; in such case, they are replaced by the abstract which was already shared in the programme booklet. Cases where the abstract is available in place of the presentations or of the posters are indicated.

Only EBC Congress Delegates can download the presentations and the posters (or abstracts). Delegates have received the instructions by mail.

However, if you were not an attendee but wishes to download the programme (abstracts of the presentations and posters, and CVs of the speakers and poster holders), it is available for free here below!

Best regards and see you at the next EBC Congress!

Download the full program


Recommendation for quotation:
If you wish to make reference to a presentation made at the EBC Congress 2019 in Antwerp, Belgium, please quote as follows: “Authors – Title – EBC Congress Proceedings 2019 – via , accessed on DATE”